Cicak Bin Kadal
Top 10 List of Week 01
Erica --- Rantauprapat

Top 10 List of Week 01

  1. Vim Tutorial

    This is a tutorial video on how to use VIM for beginners. A friend of mine had previously recommended me to try learning Vim as it will increase my productivity compared to VSCode (which I’m currently using). Since Vim is pretty much similar to Vi (with some additional improvements), I wasn’t completely lost when I was trying to write the .bash_aliases file with Vi (although it still took me 30 solid minutes). The video starts out with the basics and then slowly moves on into intermediate level stuffs, so the difficulty rises slowly, which is great.

  2. Vim Basics in 8 Minutes

    This is another tutorial video on how to use Vim for beginners. Notice the title: Vim Basics in 8 Minutes. Sounds like my desperate attempt to learn it in a short time (which obviously didn’t work out well, as these kind of things need to be practiced regularly to get used to). Together with the previous link on number 1, they are 2 best videos I actually learned someting from (not that I’ve actually watched a lot of them, but well). The reason why this one’s great is obvious: 8 minutes packed with information.

  3. Interactive Vim Tutorial

    The title says it all. An interactive Vim tutorial! How cool is that?

  4. What Are The Differences Between Vi And Vim?

    Having known Vim, I noticed some similarities when Vi is used during the lecture. So I tried finding out what the differences between those two are, and this is the site I found.

  5. Connect to VirtualBox Linux Node using PuTTY

    I was a bit confused as to what we’re using putty for. In search of a quick and concise answer, I found this page. The first paragraph alone gave me enough basic context of it.

  6. Linux/Mac Terminal Tutorial: The Grep Command

    Another good tutorial video I found. This one’s about grep. Goes straight to the point, packed with information. Learned a lot from this one.

  7. Basic Tutorial for grep, awk, and sed

    Upon finding this thread, I got not only what the title stated (basic tutorials for grep, awk, and sed), but also with a plus of what the differences between the three are; in a very concise and clear way on top of that!

  8. RegExr: Learn, Build, & Test RegEx

    This site has a regex tester with syntax highlighting. I find it particularly helpful using it while I was learning regex. That way, I can test what I’ve just learned and see it in action (it helps me remember for a longer term too).

  9. RegexOne

    After learning regex, this is the place to put the knowledge to test. This website provides interactive exercises: it gives some patterns, we type in the regex to match those patterns, and plus, they’re doing it in levels of difficulty!

  10. Learn Shell - Free Interactive Shell Tutorial

    Yep, as the title suggests, an interactive shell tutorial. It provides information on basic commands in shell, as well as a practice problem to test your understanding in the end of each chapter.

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